Book: Look at this! It’s Poom and Ying right?
Ben: Yes, that right
Ben: Hi Poom hi Ying. Long time no see you.
Poom: Hi Ben hi Book. Why you come here?
Book: That park is near my apartment and Ben want to jog. And you?
Poom: We come here for rest and Ying looking for inspiration anything new.
Ben: What’s wrong with you Ying?
Ying: Nothing, Don’t listen to Poom spoken. I’m want to change a mood.
Ben: Well, you’ll back home?
Ying: No, we will get something eat. Do you want to come with me?
Book: That’s sounds good. I have a restaurant to introduce for you. You just like it like me.
Poom: Don’t waste time. Let’s go