1–3% lentil flour as well as 1–3% skim milk supplemented yogurt and control sample were ranked in terms of smoothness, graininess, flavor, overall acceptance and color and results are presented in Table 3. The lowest numbers represent more desirable, and the highest represent the less desirable traits (i.e., extremely like (1) to extremely dislike (9) with a score of 5 representing neither like or dislike). The 3% skim milk supplemented yogurt had the lowest scores
in all aspects. Although all lentil flour supplemented yogurt had higher scores in comparison with 1 –3% skim milk supplemented yogurts, the scores for the 1% and 2% lentil flour supplemented yogurts were not significantly different from those of the 1–2% skim milk supplemented yogurt in terms of smoothness, graininess, flavor
and overall acceptance(p b 0.05). Additionally, the color of the 1–3% lentil flour supplemented yogurt was not found to be significantly different from the control and 1% skim milk supplemented yogurt (p b 0.05). Thus, overall sensory scores for the 1 –2% lentil flour supplemented yogurt were found to be comparable to those of the 1–2% skim milk supplemented yogurt and the control sample