Stretching Protocol
The experimental group received instruction in performing the static stretch. All stretching was performed with the right lower extremity. Corrective verbal feedback was given throughout the stretching protocol to ensure that proper technique was maintained. The same investigator gave all instruction and feedback. The stretch was performed standing, facing a padded evaluation table with the heel of the right limb placed on the edge of the table in relaxed plantar flexion (Figure 2). Neutral right hip rotation was maintained by keeping the foot pointed straight up. The standing leg was positioned so that the left foot was perpendicular to the table. The subject was then instructed to bend forward at the waist. During the stretch, the subject attempted to maintain a flat back with the pelvis in relative anterior rotation, neutral position of the head, and full extension of the stretched leg. Each subject bent forward and stopped when a stretch sensation was experienced in the posterior thigh. This position was maintained for 30 seconds, measured with a wall clock positioned in front of the subject. Between stretches, subjects were allowed to remove the leg from the table and flex the knee.