Employees' perception of the ethical leadership behavior of their superior/immediate authority figure was measured with the Ethical Leadership Scale (ELS), adopted from Brown et al, (2005). In addition, Leader Effectiveness (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire) Scale was used in order to measure the effectiveness of leaders. Work related stress was measured by the scale adopted from Keller (1984). While turnover intention does not measure actual turnover, research suggests that an individual's intentions to quit or stay tends to be a good predictor of turnover behavior (Mobley et al., 1979). Therefore, in order to measure the turnover intention of the participants, turnover intention scale was utilized, as the final part of the questionnaire. The scale ranged from I (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), indicating that a higher score implies a higher turnover intention.
Data obtained from the participants were analyzed by SPSS statistical package program