Unit on erosion by posing this authentic problem and question to a mixed fourth and fifth grade English language learner (ELL) class to engage students in thinking about erosion. After much debate, the students determined that constructing a model of the yard would be the best way to explore ideas about how rain would affect the yard. What made our unit unusual was the intentional integration of science and language instruction. They went to USA and were learning English and science content. The instructional model blended selected strategies proposed by the science education community to demonstrate scientific knowledge regardless of the level of English proficiency. Thus, this could be an excellent unit to begin a new school year. General Unit Strategies, we entered our lessons “with questions about how things happen in the world”. We planned for and built into the lessons essential features of inquiry. Counter to prevailing strategies to support language and content acquisition for ELLs, in this article we focus on the 5R Model, a model for loading and reloading academic language with ELLs. Developing the Language of Science, The recommendations from the science education and the language education communities sometimes seem to conflict. The 5R Model is not linear but rather a set of five features that you can use throughout a unit of study to incorporate science language within science content. 5R Instructional Model: Reveal, to aware of some academic words that do not have a comparable everyday word. Language and science objectives will help identify these and prepare to supply or reveal the scientific word for the student. Replace, replacing everyday words with academic words. The strategy that you use is to acknowledge that the observation was accurate. Reposition, Repositioning involves modeling the unique semantic patterns of scientific language and allowing students to use “science talk” for its intended purposes. Repeat, when teachers repeat new vocabulary in multiple situations they not only model pronunciation but word use. Reading, writing, listening, and saying the word repeatedly is beneficial for learning vocabulary. By saying the word many times soon after it is introduced. Reload, Reloading is a good time to pronounce the word, ask the students to pronounce the word, develop a class definition of the word, use it in a sentence, and discuss cognates.