I am sorry to disturb you from your duties but I hope you consider the next information.
Report about my simulator assessment fail tramp.
Nov 29th Saturday I got Rooster where I was schedule to flight 11th DM464 to Narita with Kotaro then proceed to SIM same day.
December 1st Rooster change I have no flight to NRT. I will be position to Narita but no information how.
Next week everyday I went to the office to get information about SIM but no answer.
December 9th I got an email about SIM was paid in full , I couldn’t get additional information.
Same day John Mcdermott sent an Email to everybody that I resign that was his trick and to avoid I get information about my simulator training. I never get any official confirmation about the date of my simulator training in Japan.
One day before travel I got travel schedule and from Kotaro but nothing from John. The TRAMP was done. That was the only information I got from a fellow not from Operations, unfortunately very late to look for a solution.
After that I got information from Sergio and I confirmed in the office that we travel same day to Japan in commercial flight. I never got any official information about it. I made my luggage same morning and met John in the lobby. I ask him in my building lobby in front of everybody (Sergio, Ben and John) what documents or additional things I have to bring to SIM. He said not more than passport, validation, license and medical. I have to recognize I was confused because everything had changed for me just in few hours. I never realize what was happening and the results when I was in the checking before boarding a commercial flight.
Conclusions after all:
• Japanese visa arrange is a company responsibility, if not, how I went for the initial training?
• I depend on company´s support documents for Japanese visa process. (thai B visa, work permit etc)
• The visa process takes more than 3 weeks, the prove is what I have to do after all.
• Operations have to communicate plans, ask for relevant issues that affect operation, support crews for this matters , arrange and look for solutions in case of any difficulties in the process.
• All process fails because decisions came at last time.
• Finally I found the solution and operations only propose and illegal option flying in a Jetasia flight as crew member including me in General Declaration as one of their pilots putting in risk the company and myself. Obviously it would never happen because a serious company will never accept this kind of things. I hope he didn’t ask for that kind of favor because Jet Asia must have a very bad concept of our organization at this time.
• Why he tried to do that and at the end relay all the responsibility to me?
As I mention above I´ve already found the solution. Actually I got Thailand tourist visa and I am full available to request a legal training visa from the Japanese embassy in Bangkok.
Thanks for your time considering all mention in this email. I am the most interested to continue at my company service as soon as possible.
Ricardo H Castillo Castaneda.