In this research, a novel internal antenna is developed for
indoor reception of UHF terrestrial digital TV broadcasting.
The new antenna covers a bandwidth of more than 60%. It
resonates from 470 MHz to more than 900 MHz. The new
antenna is resonant antenna that does not need matching
circuits. Furthermore, it does not need an additional extended
ground plane or any other components. Thus, it can be
mounted anywhere inside or outside any TV set because the
antenna does not use a part of the equipment as an extended
ground plane as usually happens with internal antennas.
Moreover, the new antenna is made of a flexible material and
it can be bent and/or folded in different forms. The new
antenna can be fully embedded inside TV sets. Actually, it can
be used as internal, external or partially internal and partially
external antenna. On the other hand, the new digital TV
receiving antenna is linearly polarized. It can also be modified
in order to be dual-polarized, which is a very important factor
in all indoor applications. This can be easily achieved by
bending the antenna 90o
. Additionally, bending the antenna in
more than one direction significantly increases its sensitivity
to different polarizations and also reduces the effect of the
surrounding environment on the antenna. In order to increase
the peak gain of the TV receiving antenna, an EBG
(electromagnetic band gap) structure has been used [5].