Possible causes are as follows:
• Parasitic infection: - Red mite.
- Worms, ascarid, capillaria infestation.
• Enteritis and diarrhea
• Ventilation
- Inadequate ventilation, leading to higher levels of humidity and smell (ammonia)
- Drafts.
• Non respect of density and equipments specification
- Insufficient floor space
- Stress of overcrowding
- Limited access to drinkers and feeders (insufficient number/ poor distribution).
- Inability to access nests, resulting in floor laying
– leading to pecking of exposed vents.
• Shortage of water or feed:
- Drinkers / feeders empty.
- Water or feed unpalatable
- Too low pressure / leakage
- Shortage
• Feeder and water equipment not earthed properly
• Poor beak trimming
• Feed not suitable:
- Sodium deficiency
- Amino acids deficiency
- Lack of insoluble fibre
- Sudden change of grist presentation
- Too high energy level, due to a reduction in consumption time
- Faulty manufacture
– for instance, incorrect salt inclusion.
• Intensity of light too bright:
- Light source generally too powerful.
- Direct light from fluorescent bulbs (especially) or tubes; depending on the type.
- Entry of direct sunlight into the poultry house.
- Flickering bulbs
- Sudden increases in light duration
• Nests brightly illuminated – bird’s vents targeted during egg laying.