Online ads are transmitted via online video systems that enable users to watch and even share video content. Ad place- ment also varies. For example, in-stream ads can be shown prior to the video being viewed (pre-roll), during the video (mid-roll), or at the end of the video (post-roll) (Interactive Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers 2013). In such ads, fast-forwarding is often prevented. The defining characteristic of in-stream video ads is the difficulty the user has ignoring them. These ads are designed to attract attention by interrupting the online viewing experience. This makes in- stream video advertising quite different from other Internet ad formats, as the various ad placement options enable advertisers to control users’ viewing precisely, which is more difficult to accomplish with other Internet-based ads such as banner ads. Compared to pop-up ads, in-stream video ads usually last lon- ger. Thus, it would behoove marketers to have more informa- tion about the effectiveness of this emerging online ad format (in-stream video ads) to make better online advertising decisions.