Competition for SaleSpider typically includes any of the social networking sites. Facebook one of the most popular personal profile sites, has recognize the business market and recently added a link called the Like button that allow businesses to connect to consumers. It provides a vast web of personal mendations and helps businesses to target ads to specific target markets using Facebook. Many companies use Facebook to stay in touch with their customers that have joined their network. LinkedIn is another social network site specify cally designed for business people to update their resume and stay in touch with business associates and contacts. Because of their fares base of users of these sites are capable of adding services for their users that could be a to Rothstein. Twitter an online social networking and microblogging services enables users to send posts to others. These post (called tweets) could be business related and have been used by some firms to inform consumers of new products, changes in services, and so on. However, the network is primarily personal networking site that reports personal events or experiences. Even with the existence of these competitors Rothstein sees SaleSpider as being the first its kind with multiple specific services for small firms that has allowed it to become the number one business networking site. He feels that continued effort SaleSpider to remain successful.