• Current events and media study: One way for students of nearly any level to study World English is to compare news clips about major world events, such as 9/11, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, or the British royal wedding of 2011. In this activity, the teacher chooses two clips about the same topic from different varieties of English, and then students watch and transcribe the clips. Afterward, students look at their transcriptions and the video and pick out key differences and similarities in focus, word choice, and pronunciation. They then can compare with a partner and add any relevant points they missed. The teacher shares his or her list of differences and explains why he or she included each point. Students are then encouraged to do the same task by themselves. They can be given a list of topics and clips to choose from prepared by the teacher or brainstorm their own topics and search for clips to fit the task themselves. As an assessment activity, students can make a presentation of their two