30. Flippant people who don’t take things seriously enough usually irritate me.
31. I listen to other people’s point of view before putting my own forward.
32. I tend to be open about how I’m feeling.
33. In discussions, I enjoy watching the maneuvers of the other participants.
34. I prefer to respond to events on a spontaneous, flexible basis rather than plan things in advance.
35. I tend to be attracted to techniques such as network analysis, flow charts, branching programmes, contingency planning, etc.
36. It worries me if I have to rush out a piece of work to meet a tight deadline.
37. I tend to judge people’s ideas on their practical merits.
38. Quiet, thoughtful people tend to make me feel uneasy.
39. I often get irritated by people who went to rush headlong into things.
40. It is more important to enjoy the present moment than to think about the past or future.
41. I think that decisions based on thorough analysis of all the information are sounder than those based on intuition.
42. I tend to be a perfectionist.
43. In discussions, I usually pitch in with lot off-the-top-of-the-head ideas.
44. In meeting, I put forward practical realistic ideas.
45. More often than not, rules are there to be broken.
46. I prefer to stand back from a situation and consider all the perspectives.
47. I can often see inconsistencies and weakness in other people’s arguments
48. On balance, I talk more than I listen.
49. I can often see better, more practical ways to get things done.
50. I think written reports should be short, punchy and to the point.
51. I believe that rational, logical thinking should win the day.
30. Flippant people who don’t take things seriously enough usually irritate me. 31. I listen to other people’s point of view before putting my own forward. 32. I tend to be open about how I’m feeling. 33. In discussions, I enjoy watching the maneuvers of the other participants. 34. I prefer to respond to events on a spontaneous, flexible basis rather than plan things in advance. 35. I tend to be attracted to techniques such as network analysis, flow charts, branching programmes, contingency planning, etc. 36. It worries me if I have to rush out a piece of work to meet a tight deadline. 37. I tend to judge people’s ideas on their practical merits. 38. Quiet, thoughtful people tend to make me feel uneasy. 39. I often get irritated by people who went to rush headlong into things. 40. It is more important to enjoy the present moment than to think about the past or future. 41. I think that decisions based on thorough analysis of all the information are sounder than those based on intuition. 42. I tend to be a perfectionist. 43. In discussions, I usually pitch in with lot off-the-top-of-the-head ideas. 44. In meeting, I put forward practical realistic ideas. 45. More often than not, rules are there to be broken. 46. I prefer to stand back from a situation and consider all the perspectives. 47. I can often see inconsistencies and weakness in other people’s arguments 48. On balance, I talk more than I listen. 49. I can often see better, more practical ways to get things done. 50. I think written reports should be short, punchy and to the point. 51. I believe that rational, logical thinking should win the day.
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