;Teller App/Test App Messages
9001,Client Test Application
9002,An editor session is still active
9003,Read Error : Run option file
9004,Busy : Function being executed
9005,Busy : A script is already being executed
9006,Only one script file can be edited
9007,Error : No script is currently being executed
9008,Do you want to stop the execution of the script file?
9009,Busy : Script being executed
9010,??? Can't save ???
9012,### Copyright (C) NCI Ltd, 1994 ###
9015,Open Script File
9016,Enter Script File Name:
9018,Input Parameters
9019,Teller ID
9020,Workstation ID
9022,Mix Number
9023,Denomination List
9026,Use Delays
9028,Date [%s]
9029,Time [%s]
9030,Transaction Day
9031,1:TransLog 2:DiagLog 3:TSContents 4:TSSummary 5:WSSummary
9032,Print Category
9033,Target Workstation
9034,~Run Script
9035,~Open Script File
9036,~New Script
9037,~Stop Script
9038,E~xit ... Alt-F4
9040,Freeform content
9042,Alphanumeric content
9043,Alphabetic content only
9044,Numeric content only
9045,C~ontinue Deposit
9046,Compulsory Input
9047,No Spaces
9048,Alarm Type
9051,~Text Field
9054,Ca~ncel Alarm
9055,Alarm Cancelled
9056,Set Alarm Keys
9061,Client Test Application Exit!
9062,Client Test Application could not start!
9063,Client Test Application could not CREATE Window!
9064,Client Test Application Started
9065,Output empty
9066,~Deposit Domestic Currency
9067,~Exchange Rate
9068,~Swap Sides
9070,~Additional Text
9071,Sell ~Foreign Currency
9072,Currency Description
9073,Foreign Amount
9075,Return Code = %d
9076,Sell ~Foreign
9077,Buy ~Foreign Currency
9078,~Withdraw Domestic Currency
9080,Buy ~Foreign
9081,Set Text Field
9082,Set Password
9083,Set Amount
9084,Error Code : %d , Error Text : %s
9085,Error in Script file
9086,Previous Transaction Log was for day %s
9087,Denomination : %ld Number of notes : %ld
9088,Deposit Amount : %ld Dispense Amount : %ld
9089,Deposit Denominations :
9090,Dispense Denominations :
9091,Amount : %ld
9092,Denoms :
9093,Num Notes :
9094,Denominations :
9095,Net Denominations :
9097,Deposit Amount : %9.2f Withdrawal Amount : %9.2f Net Amount : %9.2f
9098,Execution of the script is halted!
9099,End of Script is reached!
9100,Restarting the Script file!
9101,Invalid - Numeric data required!
9103,Invalid - Need To Specify a Valid Teller ID!
9104,Invalid - Need To Specify a Valid Workstation ID!
9105,Invalid - Need To Specify a Valid Date!
9106,Invalid - Need To Specify a Valid Time!
9107,Invalid - Need To Specify a Valid Target Workstation ID!
9108,~Teller Functions
9109,~Server Functions
9112,Named Pipe
9113,WS Configuration
9123,Please wait, Transaction in progress...
9124,Island Transaction in progress...
9125,Please wait, Deposit in progress...
9127,Please wait, Start Of Day in progress...
9128,Please wait, Initialisation in progress...
9129,Insert cash into the {TAU} and press OK to continue
9130,Please wait, Dispense Check in progress...
9131,Withdrawal in progress, Remove cash when available...
9132,Please wait, Deposit Before Wdr in progress...
9133,Amount can not be less than the minimum denomination!
9134,Invalid Input
9135,Positive Numeric data is required!
9136,NCI Teller Application
9137,Please remove cash when dispense door opens...
9143,Please wait, Deposit is being cancelled...
9144,Result :
9145,{TAU} Status:
9146,Transaction Results
9147,Total Amount
9149,No of Notes
9151,Withdrawal Amount
9152,Transaction Values
9153,Mix Numbers
9154,Invalid character for a numeric field!
9155,The amount is invalid for the denomination!
9156,Invalid text in amount field!
9157,Amount cannot be less than the minimum denomination value!
9158,System hasn't been initialised, Perform Start Of Day!
9166,Please select the correct day
9171,Please wait, checking contents ...
9173,Please wait, Workstation summary in progress ...
9178,Deposit was cancelled successfully
9180,Continue with emptying {ShSM} %d [%d] ?
9181,No transaction since Start Of Day
9182,Total and mix do not match. Transaction abandoned
9183,Wdr Before Deposit
9186,Repeated attempt to login has failed, system will be shutdown
9187,Correct amount deposited
9188,too much deposited
9189,too little deposited
9190,Please wait, {TAU} summary in progress ...
9191,Press two character keys
9192,Enter the text
9193,Enter the password
9194,Sta~ndard Functions
9195,S~ystem Status
9196,Enter the numeric amount
9197,Software Versions :
9198,{ShSM} SW Versions :
9199,Language : Op State : No {SMs} : Event Num :
9200,Blocked {ShSM} :
9201,Printer : SM Config : Reader Type : Failed Probe :
9205,>> SetOpHours (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
9206,On Time : %02d:%02d:%02d Off Time : %02d:%02d:%02d
9207,On Time [hhmmss]
9208,Off Time [hhmmss]
9210,Invalid - Text data required!
9211,>> Log (%s, %s, %s)
9212,>> SMConsTotal(%s, %s)
9213,>> SMUnlock(%s, %s)
9214,>> SMCancelMovement(%s, %s)
9215,Number of Groups : %d
9216,Group: %d, Curr Code: %s, Index Num: %d, Ind Text: %s, Amt: %.2f, Dr Moved: %d
9217,Currency Code
9218,Drawer Number
9219,>> SMConsCurrCode (%s, %s, %s)
9220,Group: %d, Index Num: %d, Index Text: %s, Dr Num : %d, Amt: %.2f, Dr Moved: %d
9221,>> SMOpenDrawer (%s, %s, %d)
9222,>> SMDeposit (%s, %s, %s, %d, %.2f)
9223,>> SMWithdrawal (%s, %s, %s, %d, %.2f)
9224,Re~verse Deposit
9225,>> ReverseDeposit(%s, %s)
9226,Reverse Deposit
9227,Reverse Deposit in progress, Remove cash when available......
9228,T~eller Summary
9229,Target Teller
9230,Invalid - Need To Specify a Valid Target Teller ID!
9231,>> TellerSummary (%s, %s, %s)
9232,Please wait, Teller Summary in progress...
9233,Please wait, Restart in progress...
9234,Please wait, End Of Day in progress...
9236,>> EndOfDay (%s, %s, %d)
9237,>> ReStart (%s, %s, %d)
9243,Handler Test Application
9245,Cash Balancing
9246,Clear Statistics
9247,Get Statistics
9248,Change Logging Level
9249,New Log file Name
9250,Add Text To Log
9251,Get Response
9252,~{TAU} Dispense
9253,~Deposit Amount
9256,Please wait, Safemaster consultation in progress...
9257,Use only one Safemaster drawer!
9258,Prepared for asynchronous call
9259,Waiting for asynchronous response ...
9260,Asynchronous response received
9261,~Add User
9262,C~hange User
9263,Change Password
9264,D~elete User
9265,View Users
9268,Verify Password
9269,System Privileges