This honors experience is one that I chose for the purpose of seeking a deeper
understanding of effective teaching. Over the course of my honors studies I have
reviewed topics which have given me a broader view of all students. One study
examined the correlation between depression and television watching. Another project
involved taking a deeper look into effective teaching of reading and comprehension
strategies. The overall intent for these honors projects was to understand and teach
students with academic and behavioral difficulties.
The purpose for this final honors project was to add another level of
understanding students with academic and behavior difficulties by learning about key
research-validated strategies that can enhance the teaching of all students. It was also to
turn that information into a booklet to share with other teachers at some point, in order to
assist them in effectively teaching to ALL students. With the increase in the use of coteaching
arrangements in schools, this booklet may be something that can be shared so
that both general education and special education students may profit by the strategies the
teachers will use.
The method involved in this project involved conducting a literature review to
summarize the key points of three strategies and one instructional style and then to
present these findings in both an academic manner as well as in a more easily read
document for teachers. Practical worksheets were designed and included in the Appendix
to help teachers visualize the important steps and begin using these strategies.