Aim: The aim of this work is to evaluate the in‐vitro antioxidant activity as well as estimate the total
phenolic and flavonoid content of methanolic extract and fractions of Cleome viscosa L.
Study Design: Evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of Cleome viscosa L.
Methodology: Antioxidant activity of the methanol extract (MCV) and derived hexane (HCV) and
ethyl acetate (ECV) fractions of Cleome viscosa L. was performed by DPPH radical scavenging,
Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay and phosphomolybdate assay. The total phenolic
and total flavonoid contents were also estimated using Folin-Ciocalteu and colorimetric aluminum
chloride methods respectively.
Results: The ethyl acetate fraction showed the highest total phenolic content (77.33±4.21 mg of
gallic acid equivalent/g of extract (r2=0.9646)) and total flavonoid content (71.677±8.125 mg of
quercetin equivalent/g of extract (r2=0.9449)). In the DPPH radical scavenging test, the IC50value of
MCV, ECV and HCV was 0.91, 0.34 and 1.06 mg/mL, respectively also showing ethyl acetate