The project, to be located at xxx lab, is to design, construct, test, and commission an xxx facility. The key performance parameters (KPP) of the projectare:
Description of Scope Threshold KPP Objective KPP
Facility Size Xx,xxxSF Xx ,xxx SF
Spatial Resolution
Energy Resolution
Experimental Facilities 3 5
Note: The threshold KPPs are the minimum parameters against which the project’s performance is measured when complete. At CD-2, the documented threshold KPPs comprises the official Performance Baseline. Objective KPPs are those additional parameters that will be added to the project if contingency is available.
The project is declared complete (CD-4 criteria) when the following is achieved:
• Facility has completed the XX building and ready for occupancy
• Ion source is accelerated up to at a minimum energy of xxx MeV peak for xx seconds
• Calculations have shown that xxx can be achieved.
• Three experimental facilities are installed without beams.