Your account, XXXX-6997, has been marked for manual review and may require action to avoid assignment or exercise.
If the buying power in your account is insufficient to cover the deliverable value of expiring options, then positions may be covered prior to today’s market close.
We make every effort to recognize and respect when a customer is logged into their account or has working orders, however, we cannot wait until the final few minutes of trading in those circumstances and ask that you take action at least an hour prior to market close.
We also take note of calendar spreads and where long-dated options provide an adequate hedge to a delivered position.
At this time, please review your account, check for In-The-Money expiring positions, especially spreads with only one leg In-The-Money. If you need to take action, please do so at least one hour prior to market close.
If you need assistance in closing positions, please contact our trade desk at 888-280-8020 or use our Live Help.
At this point, wire arrangements and requests for additional time to cover on ones own initiative may only be accepted on a ‘best efforts basis’ and may not be honored. OptionsXpress may take action to cover positions without further notice to you.