Therapists have much to learn from nursing colleagues who have more training and experience in this area in understand aggression and its management more effectively. The authors suggest that a key part of this learning process is seeing managements techniques in action. It is important to watch and observe nursing staff on the ward demonstrating effective and ethical approachesto aggression management. One can learn a great deal from role models who develop a good rapport with patients and seem to skilfully defuse confrontational situations. It is also benefi cial to make use of pre-existing service training programmes,and inter-professional supervision may also be anexcellent learning tool for both parties.
There is a need for all health-care professionals working in mental health to have adequate knowledge and understanding of issues around aggression management. Allied health professionals, unlike their nursing colleagues, rarely receive education on theories underpinning aggression and its management during their undergraduate courses. The experiences of this group have also been studied less than nursing and medical colleagues working in psychiatry. The authors aim to address this with a forthcoming national survey of physiotherapists experience of patient aggression in mental health settings. Finally, it is of paramount importance that health-care professionals receive training and education on aggression and its management before they start work on mental health wards