เออร์บัน(Urban, 2007: 19-20) Competence
A competence is linked to a core competence via the three criteria and so the competence concept needs a thorough discussion, probably deeper than that required for the capability concept and the resource concept. The literature regarding competence is here divided into five themes:
x Commonly adopted conceptions and definitions which inform the reader of the competence concept in general and set the basics for the forthcoming formulation of the competence definition.
x Competence-based literature that alters the mainstream discussion described in the point above.
x Categorizations of the competence concept.
x Literature that links the core competence concept to the competence concept.
x Brief descriptions of knowledge-based and learning-based literature that relate to the competence concept.
Competencies are generally divided into functional and integrative categories, although other names are sometimes used, for instance “component” and “architectural” (Henderson & Cockburn, 1994). Functional competencies are used in daily activities and integrative competencies are used to integrate and develop new competence components.