Add the number in BOX 3 to the number in BOX 5 and place the sum in BOX 5, thus eliminating the previous number there. Then go to LINE 2.
LINE 2:If the number in BOX 5 is equal to the number in BOX 6 - go to LINE 4.Otherwise go to LINE 6.
LINE 3:Add the number in BOX 4 to the number in BOX 3 and place the sum in BOX 3, thus eliminating the previous number there. Then go to LINE 1.
LINE 4:Subtract the number in BOX 4 from the number in BOX 7 and place the difference in BOX 7, thus eliminating the previous number there. Then go to LINE 5.
LINE 5:Go to the LINE whose number is now in BOX 7.
LINE 6:If the number in BOX 5 is greater than the number in BOX 6 - go to LINE 8.Otherwise go to LINE 3.
LINE 7: If the number in BOX 1 is greater than the number in BOX 2 - go to LINE 8.Otherwise go to LINE 1.
LINE 8: Copy the number from BOXES 2,3,5 into ANSWER - BOXES A,B,C in this order.Then go to LINE 10.
LINE 9: Subtract the number in BOX 7 from the number in BOX 2 and place the difference in BOX 2, thus eliminating the previous number there. Then go to LINE 7.
LINE 10: Stop. End of Problem