Macro we need to get to that boat
But macro was still.And George realized that his friend had used every last ounce of strength.He’d gotten George off the sinking ship, and across the ice waters.
It was up to George now.
He tucked the rope under his body and started paddling.The water seared his hands and arms.It was so cold it felt boling hot,like lava.
But he didn’t stop until he reached the boat.
It wasn't a regular wooden lifeboat. It was much smaller,and made of canvas cloth.There were about ten people crowd ed inside,mostly men.They all seemed dazed and frozen. Nobody spoke as George paddled up and grabbed hold of the side.
But somebody pushed his hand off.
"Get back" a voice said weakly."You'll put us all in the water."
"Please," George said."We need help,"
George put his hand up again, but again
someone pushed it off
And so George pulled Marco to the other side of the boat.He tried again
Nobody helped him. but this time nobody stop him.
It took him to three tries, but he managed to hoist himself over the side and tumblr into the boat.
And now for Marco.
He got up on his knees and leaned over. bracing his legs against the side of the boat as he grabbed Marco under arms .He pulled, but Marco was attached to the crate by the rope.He tried again,yanking the rope’digging at the knot with his frozen fingers.But the knot was like rusted metal. George struggled,and water sloshed over the side of the boat.
“Just let him go,”one of the men said weakly.”It’s hopeless”
But George kept working on the rope, trying now to break it away form the crate.