During the 6-week experimental period, alcohol-fed rats (ALC
and 1X Tau groups) had lower (p < 0.05) body weights than control
rats (isocaloric group). However, in the alcohol-fed group co-treatment
with Tau resulted in the similar body weights to those of the
Control group during the 5th week of the experiment (Fig. 1A).
Regarding the sizes of organs and visceral fat, the largest
(p < 0.05) liver size was observed in the ALC group, followed by
the 1X Tau and Control groups. No (p > 0.05) difference on the sizes
Fig. 1. Body weight (A) and organ sizes (B) of the experimental rats. Control: 5 g
glucose/kg BW in 1 mL of distilled water per day (p.o.); ALC: 3 g alcohol/kg BW in
1 mL of distilled water per day (p.o.); 1X Tau: 3 g alcohol/kg BW + 1 g Tau/kg BW in
1 mL of sterile distilled water per day (p.o.). The data are given as means ± SEM
(n = 8). The letters a, b, and c on the data points in each feeding period indicate
significant differences (p < 0.05).