I'm Dave Dreeas, here at Arizona Training Lab. And, I'm here to talk about how to do a proper skater squat. The skater squat is a very quad-dominant movement. We're going to rotate between the left leg and the right leg when performing the exercise. There are two progressions. The first progression, you're going to allow that back foot to touch the ground. The second progression, to make it a little more difficult, you're not going to let that back foot touch. When performing the movement, you're going to shift your hips back, and you're going to drop your butt down. At the same time, that back foot is going to touch the ground. As I mentioned, to make it more difficult, that back foot won't touch when you drop your front leg. A couple other things to remember is to make sure that you keep your chest up, look straight ahead, and make sure you have a neutral spine as you drop down into the skater squat position. The skater squat is a great lower body exercise that can be incorporated during your leg days. I'm Dave Dreeas, here at Arizona Training Lab. Thanks for watching.