Thank you very much for sharing your opinion about our cooperation.
After we considered very well in our meeting, we are afraid we could not agree on your opinion.
Although we sincerely understand that TGG would like to be exclusive agent in Thailand, we think it is too early for us to give a termination notice to Cheong Ming by this coming September.
The reasons of why are as following;
1. Cheong Ming doesn't want to be exclusive agent in Thailand. They wouldn't care if we had second agent in Thailand. In fact, they have already sold another brand of viscosity controllers recently.
2. Cheong Ming is still buying our spare parts and taking care of more than 100 MEISEI units which our customers are using presently in Thailand.
3. If we gave a termination notice to Cheong Ming in this timing, they might stop taking care of MEISEI units. Who would take care of our customers then? Especially, when customer needs to repair? We suppose TGG is not capable of repairing our products since haven't taken our training yet.
4. Although Cheong Ming is not good enough on their sales as our agent, they have sold 6 units in this year. Besides they have one customer thinking of buying 10 units in October from Cheong Ming. We suppose that as soon as we gave a termination notice to Cheong Ming, they would suggest the customer to buy another brand of viscosity controller for sure. Could you possibly take over this order from Cheong Ming?
After all, we do not like what Cheong Ming is doing as our agent, but still they are cooperating with us at least on repairing. In near future, TGG will surely take over Cheong Ming position, but we are afraid TGG is not ready yet.
If you would like, we could inform Cheong Ming that we have found a new agent named Techno Global Graphics. However, we are sorry to say it is not a right time to terminate Cheong Ming.
As you can see from these reasons, we wouldn't think Cheong Ming will want a protection list or anything because they already have another brand to sell. In this point of view, TGG is the exclusive to sell MEISEI viscosity controller in Thailand. So we wouldn't think that there will be any argument between 3 of us.
We are pleased to hear what your opinion is now.