Dog ear pathology has an important place in the cranial region disorders. By
anatomotopographical disposal the pinna ear dog is vulnerable exposed to traumatic external
agents,inert or animated that can cause various injuries on the ear pinna region(wounds,
contusions, hematoma, vasculocutaneous tear).Aural hematoma is clinically traduced by the
presence of collection within cartilage plate of the ear, that are initially fluid, soft, fluctuating,
but later due to resorption and fibrosis become more firm and reduce it size and volume. For
surgical treatment of ear hematomas were described several techniques (4). Goals of surgery
are to remove the hematoma, prevent recurrence and to maintain natural and aesthetic
appearance of the ear pinna use. The most common procedure is incision of the parietal tissue
of hematoma, evacuation clots of blood and fibrin and to fix cartilage untill scar tissue