Different strategies, including biological control, are used
to reduce the impact of FHB on wheat to prevent toxins
entering the food chain. The aim of this study was to select
antagonists to implement a biocontrol strategy against the
FHB causal agents, F. graminearum and F. culmorum,
focussing on the ability to reduce risks connected to DON
contamination. Three out of ten Trichoderma isolates, T.
gamsii 6085 and 6317 and T. velutinum 4837, were able to
inhibit both fungal growth and DON production, with T
gamsii 6085 as the most interesting. T. gamsii is morphologically
close and phylogenetically related to T. viride,
which includes many antagonistic isolates (Brown et al.
1999; Jaklitsch et al. 2006). The only report of an efficient
antagonistic strain of T. gamsii towards a pathogen
(Rhizoctonia solani) was by Anees et al. (2010).