The need for optimum use of land has never been greater than at present, when rapid population growth and urban expansion are making available for agriculture a relatively scarce commodity.
Sustainable productivity of lands in Vietnam can be only achieved by implementing soil conservation programs which will maintain soil fertility and minimize adverse environmental impacts. How to use the lands in our country for sustainable agriculture, forestry and environmental protection is urgent and actual targets. In order to solve above mentioned problem, land evaluation and land use planning is necessary work for the whole country in general, and for provinces and districts in detail. One of the effective tools for land evaluation and land use planning is Geographic Information System (GIS).
During the last decade of this century, the land evaluation works in Vietnam have achieved significant results thank to the advantages of GIS which have promoted sustain agriculture production and environmental protection.
This paper is to present research results of land evaluation of the Doan Hung mountainous District, Phu Tho Province as a case study which have been carried out in 1998 using GIS as an effective tool.