The particle size of the raw material, besides dough hydration,
plays a significant role in determining the gluten free bread quality
and the in vitro starch digestibility. The results of this study indicated
that the coarse fraction complemented with great dough
hydration (90–110%) is the most suitable combination for developing
rice bread when considering the bread volume and crumb texture.
However, regarding nutritional aspects, the best combination
would be using the lowest dough hydration meaning a lower volume
and a greater hardness for the bread. Reduction of the dough
hydration limited the starch gelatinization and hindered the
in vitro starch digestibility, and the higher the particle size the
greater amount of SDS and RS. Overall this study indicated that
the particle size and especially the dough hydration should be taken
into account for modulating the enzymatic hydrolysis of gluten
free starchy foods.