We analyzed temporal and spatial catch per unit effort (CPUE) of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus)along the U.S. east coast using pelagic longline logbook data (1999–2007). A zero-inflated negative binomialmodel was fit using a variety of oceanographic variables to better understand distribution andabundance. The two most important dynamic oceanographic variables were sea surface temperatureand chlorophyll-a concentration. We also used catch and release locations of dolphinfish caught byrecreational fishermen (2002–2007) to compare conditions between datasets and for model evaluation.Dolphinfish CPUE was highest at 22–25 ◦C with a peak at 24 ◦C for the longline dataset, while recreationaldolphinfish were caught in waters >19 ◦C with peak catches occurring at 27 ◦C. Dolphinfish CPUE washighest when chlorophyll-a concentration was <0.2 mg m−3, and the majority of recreational dolphinfishwere capturedin waters <0.1 mg m−3 withapeak at 0.02 mg m−3.We also foundthat amajority (73.26%) ofrecreational dolphinfish were caught in association with Sargassum spp., and larger dolphinfish (>82.3 cmFL) are caught more frequently outside of the floating mats
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