Lesson S&L 1
Task: Vocalize.
Prerequisites: None
Concept: This activity often occurs spontaneously. Inability to produce vocalizations can be due to a variety of problems. As with all of the tasks in the speech and language section (S&L series), the assistance of a speech pathologist may be necessary. The lessons in this series are intended to serve in a support manner to any professional speech and language efforts. Unlike most other lesson plans in this handbook, the first four steps of this plan can be tried independently to achieve the desired result. The basic strategy is to provide an operant or behavioral response any time the student produces a vocal sound. The quality or approximation to words is not a concern at this level.
Behavioral Objective: The student will produce random vocalizations, producing at least three responses in a 1-minute trial period for 20 sessions.
Materials: Objects of interest to the student, such as favorite toys or items of known personal interest. Task Analysis:
1. Present a variety of objects to the student and observe for any facial or other form of physical response. Having determined an object that provides the greatest response, surprise (do not scare) the student by presenting the object into his or her visual field while making a pleasant vocal sound. Provide verbal praise for any sounds made by the student.
2. Provide positive reactions and verbal praise every time the student produces any vocal behavior.
3. Gently press upward from below the student's diaphragm to possibly prompt the "uh" sound as in cup. Again reinforce any sound that occurs.
4. Place your hand over your mouth, rapidly moving the hand back and forth while producing a sound. Encourage the student to imitate this behavior while you provide the hand movement. Reinforce with praise any effort made.
5. Continue Steps 1 through 4 at different times, always reinforcing any effort by the student until the objective is met.