Hi Aom!! Happy morherday!!!
It is so good to hear something from you!
We are back now for a week, and working, working, working!! I felt like I have not been on a holiday, already tired!
I miss you and Thailand!
On our way back to Holland we had made a big mistake. We came on the AirPort in Bangkok and we discovered overthere that we missed our flight to Holland, our flight had been a day aerlier!!!!
It costs us soooo much money!!! Any way, we must forget it as soon as possible, shit happens!!!
Here in Holland the weather is nice, kids have still holiday from school. When I amnot working we are going to the beach, or they swim in the lake wich is near to our house. Next week Jordy is going on a surf camp and this week his hockey has started already.
I have beautifull pictures wich I am gonna send you by email. Unfortunately something is wrong with our surfer from the internet, I can't send emails. Raymond is gonna look after it this weekend. I wil send you the pictures as soon as possible.
I will aso send you some pictures from our house how we are living here, if you like that ofcourse. It is a so different, the houses, streets, everything, maybe it nice to see this!
I must go to sleep now! I have to wake up in 6 ours