You find PFOS in nonstrick and stain-rsistant products, including Teflon (for cooking oans),Gore-Tex (for weatherproof outdoor gear), and Scotchgard and Stainmaster (for carpets and upholstery). These compound can withstand high levels of heat ans are used in the manufacture of numerous products. They're carcinogens and have cause brain damage and reproductive damage in rats. Studies are currently underway to determine their effect on humans, and early results suggest that females may be more sensitive to their toxicity than males
You find phthalate compounds in everyday products such as makeup, plastic food packaging, body care products, and children's toys. Some phthalates have been shown to kill laboratory animals and have been linked to reproductive in humans. Studies are still underway to determine whether these endocrine dissrupters are responsible for a trend toward lower sperm counts in men in the U.S over the last 50 years.