Among various organic and inorganic pollutants, heavy
metal ions are very toxic and carcinogenic in nature [1,2].
The presence of heavy metals in the aquatic environment has
been of great concern because of their toxicity at lower concentrations.
Somemetal ions are cumulative poisons capable
of being assimilated and stored in the tissues of organisms,
causing noticeable adverse physiological effects. Lead and
chromium are very toxic metal ions, as they are carcinogenic
in nature [3]. The main effects of chromium metal
ions are on liver, kidney, and respiratory organs, with hemorrhagic
effects, dermatitis, and ulceration of the skin for
chronic and subcronic exposure. Lead is the most significant
toxin of the heavy metals and its effects are of a toxicological
and neurotoxical nature which include irreversible brain
damage. Inorganic forms of lead typically affect the central
nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and hematopoietic,
renal, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and reproductive
systems. Organic lead toxicity tends to predominants affect
the central nervous system.