Hey, butterfly! Okay, I didn't get the butterfly because gifing takes a lot of effort. Anyway, as many know, butterflies are symbols of death souls, and they're around Jin a lot. That's his face after filming the butterfly – he looks pretty concerned for a guy who was just filming his friends goofing around, and perhaps this is the first point where we see Jin kind of jolt back into reality that things aren't quite what he thinks it is. In other words, the points where he realizes he's dreaming. Also, we see in teaser images that Jin is the only one with real butterflies – Jungkook has a butterfly kite and a butterfly shirt print, and Rap Monster has a butterfly tattoo. Not to mention on Jin's teaser images on Instagram, he was tagged #Psique – or Psyche, the goddess of souls.
All right, so now we've so far established: Everyone except Jin and V died in the prologue, and Jin is so far very connected to death and souls. Let's continue on, which leads us to Rap Monster's scene: