Food. Eat the right amount of the right stuff, and don't snack when sitting around. There are many topics in the 'Your food' section of this web site which can help you - but you can't do it alone. Get mum, dad or whoever cares for you to help you. Maybe you could plan a week's menu and then go food shopping together.
eating the good stuff (food)
Exercise. Look for ways to do more exercise. Our topics on exercise and fitness have lots of good ideas. Maybe walking or cycling to and from school with your friends?
be activeGet a good night's sleep. Don't stay up late playing computer games or watching TV. Get up early and keep busy all day so that you are ready to sleep at night.
Get involved. Join in things at school or after school, so that you have an interest and can spend more time with other kids having fun.
Be determined to change and make the most of yourself. You only get one body so try to look after it and feel good about it. Our topics on Self-esteem and Body image may be helpful.
Being happy. Everybody has bad days, and often this means going for the comfort food (mine is dark chocolate!) However, if you are having one of those days, it is much healthier, and you feel much better afterwards, if you do some exercise. Run, walk, dance, skip, hit a ball or do anything else you can think of for a while, and those feel-good chemicals will start coming into your brain, making you feel that life's OK after all!
Helping your friend
If your friend has a problem with obesity, then you can be a good friend by:
eating good stuff yourself and encouraging her to do the same
eating healthy foods
playing with her in an active way
exercising - playing sportsgetting her to join in sports lessons by encouragement
helping her to practise sports skills
doing something active together after school, like walking the dog or bike riding, rather than watching TV or playing video games
telling the teacher if your friend is being teased or called unkind names - this is harassment and a type of bullying that no one should have to suffer
commenting on the things that she is good at
not nagging her about it.
Dr Kate says:
Dr Kate
It is not a good idea for kids to go onto a strict diet. Growing bodies need a variety of food. A doctor or nutritionist can help you and your family to eat healthily.
When families have dinner together they often eat healthier food and enjoy catching up on what each other is doing.