Sacha Inchi oil was studied for its physicochemical characteristics, chemical composition, radical
scavenging activity and storage stability. The fatty acid composition was studied by gas chromatography–flame
ionization (GC–FID) and the analysis showed that the oil is highly enriched in a–linolenic (43.5%) and linoleic
(39.6%) acids. The tocopherol content in the oil analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography/
ultraviolet–visible detector (HPLC/UV–VIS) was also high (161.87 mg.100 g-1
). Both DPPH and ABTS assays
detected relatively high radical scavenging activity. After twelve months of storage, the oil showed relatively
good storage stability. The results will help guide further investigation of the health benefits of Sacha Inchi oil
for the population and the development of better edible oil products and nutraceuticals.