that the weldability of high tensile strength materials by
various welding methods, such as resistance spot welding,
arc welding, laser welding, etc., must be on the
same level as that of mild steel, and at the same time,
joint strength corresponding to the higher strength of the
base metal must be secured, and corrosion resistance,
crack resistance, and other properties must be satisfied
in the same conventional process.
In the field of thick plates, high strength/heavy gauge
steel products are increasingly adopted in response to
the trends toward larger-scale container ships and taller
high-rise buildings. Accompanying these trends, in the
past several years, high efficiency welding technologies
with high heat input have been developed for high
strength, heavy gauge plates such as YP460 in the shipbuilding
field and HBLTM 385 and HBLTM 440 in construction2,
3). Although thick materials of 80–100 mm in
thickness have been demanded recently, it is still not
possible to satisfy joint properties and weldability with
the conventional 1-pass high heat input welding technology.
Therefore, development of new, low heat-input
welding technologies and development of high performance
welding consumables is demanded.
With regard to the welded steel pipes (UOE steel
pipes) improved welding efficiency in pipe manufacturing
is strongly demanded in order to meet increased
demand for heavy gauge, high strength steel pipes for
the applications emerged with improvement of transportation
efficiency, environmental countermeasures, and
development of oil fields in deep waters, driven by the
high level of activity in the energy field4).
This paper presents an overview of recent developments
in welding technology against the background
outlined above. In the automotive field, the development
of new welding technologies and improvement of weld
that the weldability of high tensile strength materials byvarious welding methods, such as resistance spot welding,arc welding, laser welding, etc., must be on thesame level as that of mild steel, and at the same time,joint strength corresponding to the higher strength of thebase metal must be secured, and corrosion resistance,crack resistance, and other properties must be satisfiedin the same conventional process.In the field of thick plates, high strength/heavy gaugesteel products are increasingly adopted in response tothe trends toward larger-scale container ships and tallerhigh-rise buildings. Accompanying these trends, in thepast several years, high efficiency welding technologieswith high heat input have been developed for highstrength, heavy gauge plates such as YP460 in the shipbuildingfield and HBLTM 385 and HBLTM 440 in construction2,3). Although thick materials of 80–100 mm inthickness have been demanded recently, it is still notpossible to satisfy joint properties and weldability withthe conventional 1-pass high heat input welding technology.Therefore, development of new, low heat-inputwelding technologies and development of high performancewelding consumables is demanded.With regard to the welded steel pipes (UOE steelpipes) improved welding efficiency in pipe manufacturingis strongly demanded in order to meet increaseddemand for heavy gauge, high strength steel pipes forthe applications emerged with improvement of transportationefficiency, environmental countermeasures, anddevelopment of oil fields in deep waters, driven by thehigh level of activity in the energy field4).This paper presents an overview of recent developmentsin welding technology against the backgroundoutlined above. In the automotive field, the developmentof new welding technologies and improvement of weld
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