Regarding the results of the researches done and the
proposed discussions, it can be concluded that although,
there has been years of experiencing the programming
and budgeting, the performance budgeting and cost
calculation system according to the activities is fairly
young, and there is a long distance to the desired
situation and a lot of efforts and studies are demanded to
remove these problems.
In the design and preparation of this paper, the PhD
dissertation of the author, which was presented as a
partial fulfillment of the author's PhD studies in Baku
State University has been taken into consideration. There
are not suitable rules and regulations for performance
budgeting. The suitable and enough scientific and
practical operations should be devised to solve the
problems. On the other hand the accounting system of
the budget is not in accordance with performance
budgeting. So our research should find an alternative for
the present system, by the help of the experts in the field
of suitable, efficient and updated systems for
performance budgeting.
Also the results show that, there is a lack of expert and
motivated managing human resources. So in order to
improve the present situation and arriving at the desired
situation, trained expert in human resources, and efficient
and motivated managers are needed. After analyzing the
statistical data in the previous parts and regarding the
results gained from the statistical analysis the research
hypotheses were put to test.
1. Regarding the first hypothesis which stated that "the
environmental barriers will cause the lack of success in
performance budgeting execution in governmental
organizations of Eastern Azerbaijan province", after the
statistical analysis, the aforementioned hypothesis was
accepted as a true statement with 95% assurance. So we
can conclude that the environmental barriers and
problems are one of the most challenging struggles in the
execution of the performance budgeting system in
governmental organizations in Iran.
2. Regarding the first hypothesis which stated that "the
structural barriers will cause the lack of success in
performance budgeting execution in governmental
organizations of Eastern Azerbaijan province", after the
statistical analysis the above mentioned hypothesis was
accepted as a true statement with 95% assurance. So we
can conclude that the structural barriers and problems
are one of the most challenging struggles in the
execution of the performance budgeting system in
governmental organizations in Iran.
3. Regarding the first hypothesis which stated that "the
human resource barriers will cause the lack of success in
performance budgeting execution in governmental
organizations of Eastern Azerbaijan province", after the
statistical analysis, the above mentioned hypothesis was
accepted as a true statement with 95% assurance. So we
can conclude that the human resource barriers and
problems are one of the most challenging struggles in the
execution of the performance budgeting system in
governmental organizations in Iran.
Regarding the approval of the hypotheses of this article,
we can conclude that the environmental, structural and
human resource factors are some barriers which avoid
the execution of performance budgeting system in
governmental organizations in Iran.
Also, the results of the tests above, using the multiple
ratio test method showed that the lack of suitable
execution of performance budgeting was due to 29.1% of
environmental factors, 34.5% of structural factors and
36.4% of human resource factors. Thus they are
classified as (1) Human resource barriers, (2) structural
barriers and (3) environmental barriers according to the
effects they have from the most effective to the least one.
Having a suitable budgeting system and emphasizing
on a desired accounting system and measuring the costs
will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the
consumed resources. And when the budgeting is based
on the performance and organizational outputs, it can
help to realize this goal. Regarding the studies done in
governmental organizations, it is concluded that, the
shortage of experts in the field of accounting and
budgeting, and also the shortage of a suitable accounting
system, using cash based accounting system, the equilibrated
cash based accounting system and the shortage
of a suitable accounting system for the independent
accounts, are among the basic challenges in budgeting
systems in Iran. The following suggestions seem effective
for each kind of problems and obstacles
Regarding the results of the researches done and theproposed discussions, it can be concluded that although,there has been years of experiencing the programmingand budgeting, the performance budgeting and costcalculation system according to the activities is fairlyyoung, and there is a long distance to the desiredsituation and a lot of efforts and studies are demanded toremove these problems.In the design and preparation of this paper, the PhDdissertation of the author, which was presented as apartial fulfillment of the author's PhD studies in BakuState University has been taken into consideration. Thereare not suitable rules and regulations for performancebudgeting. The suitable and enough scientific andpractical operations should be devised to solve theproblems. On the other hand the accounting system ofthe budget is not in accordance with performancebudgeting. So our research should find an alternative forthe present system, by the help of the experts in the fieldof suitable, efficient and updated systems forperformance budgeting.Also the results show that, there is a lack of expert andmotivated managing human resources. So in order toimprove the present situation and arriving at the desiredsituation, trained expert in human resources, and efficientand motivated managers are needed. After analyzing thestatistical data in the previous parts and regarding theresults gained from the statistical analysis the researchhypotheses were put to test.1. Regarding the first hypothesis which stated that "theenvironmental barriers will cause the lack of success inperformance budgeting execution in governmentalorganizations of Eastern Azerbaijan province", after thestatistical analysis, the aforementioned hypothesis wasaccepted as a true statement with 95% assurance. So wecan conclude that the environmental barriers andproblems are one of the most challenging struggles in theexecution of the performance budgeting system ingovernmental organizations in Iran.2. Regarding the first hypothesis which stated that "thestructural barriers will cause the lack of success inperformance budgeting execution in governmentalorganizations of Eastern Azerbaijan province", after thestatistical analysis the above mentioned hypothesis wasaccepted as a true statement with 95% assurance. So wecan conclude that the structural barriers and problemsare one of the most challenging struggles in theexecution of the performance budgeting system ingovernmental organizations in Iran.3. Regarding the first hypothesis which stated that "thehuman resource barriers will cause the lack of success inperformance budgeting execution in governmentalorganizations of Eastern Azerbaijan province", after thestatistical analysis, the above mentioned hypothesis wasaccepted as a true statement with 95% assurance. So wecan conclude that the human resource barriers andproblems are one of the most challenging struggles in theexecution of the performance budgeting system ingovernmental organizations in Iran.Regarding the approval of the hypotheses of this article,we can conclude that the environmental, structural andhuman resource factors are some barriers which avoidthe execution of performance budgeting system ingovernmental organizations in Iran.Also, the results of the tests above, using the multipleratio test method showed that the lack of suitableexecution of performance budgeting was due to 29.1% ofenvironmental factors, 34.5% of structural factors and36.4% of human resource factors. Thus they areclassified as (1) Human resource barriers, (2) structuralbarriers and (3) environmental barriers according to theeffects they have from the most effective to the least one.Having a suitable budgeting system and emphasizingon a desired accounting system and measuring the costswill increase the efficiency and effectiveness of theconsumed resources. And when the budgeting is basedon the performance and organizational outputs, it canhelp to realize this goal. Regarding the studies done ingovernmental organizations, it is concluded that, theshortage of experts in the field of accounting andbudgeting, and also the shortage of a suitable accountingsystem, using cash based accounting system, the equilibratedcash based accounting system and the shortageof a suitable accounting system for the independentaccounts, are among the basic challenges in budgetingsystems in Iran. The following suggestions seem effectivefor each kind of problems and obstacles
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