Changing behaviour
Actions to bring about behaviour change may be delivered at individual, household, community
or population levels using a variety of means or techniques. The outcomes do not necessarily
occur at the same level as the intervention itself. For example, population-level interventions may
affect individuals, and community- and family-level interventions may affect whole populations.
Significant events or transition points in people's lives present an important opportunity for
intervening at some or all of the levels, because it is then that people often review their own
behaviour and contact services. Typical transition points include: leaving school, entering the
workforce, becoming a parent, becoming unemployed, retirement and bereavement.
This guidance provides a systematic, coherent and evidence-based approach, considering
generic principles for changing people's health-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, at
individual, community and population levels.
Strategies for reaching and working with disadvantaged groups are considered and the health
equity implications assessed.