Attached are Y2015A and RPT2 (125#) service visit PO(signed) and invoices (manually created).
Customer contacted me to explain they are not able to process those two order internally due to there is service tax to be imposed locally. I did explain to them Agr Bangkok does not cover any tax to be imposed locally. Now they request BKK to add tax to be imposed in the PO and stated it is deducted by customer. There is no change for the total amount to be charged by Bangkok office. Just a paper work for them.
I have modified both Y2015SA PO and RPT2 service PO to show service tax and stated it will be deducted by customer. Pls get those two word files signed. Pls have invoice modified for showing tax to be deducted by customer. The total price in the invoice should be remaining the same therefore the total amount is what Agr Bangkok received. Just add a text showing there is a tax of USDXX to be paid by customer locally