The extraction figures were regarded as more reliable than the TGA as a guide to low molecular weight species absorbed. The presence of aliphatic ester/acid is consistent with detergent/soap products. The resin had not chemically degraded.
It was concluded that the microcracking was probably caused by thermal shock resulting from the fire or fire fighting activity. Chemicals used in subsequent cleaning operations were then absorbed by the damaged material. Swelling would partially heal the microcracks.
Lessons and consequences
1. Material specifications are frequently ignored.
2. Theflooringsupplierwasexposedtolitigation.Howeveritcouldbeclaimedindefence that the epoxy flooring was superior, and would have resisted the cocktail of chemicals and steam far better than the specified urethane product.
3. Fluidabsorptionisnormallytakentobethecauseofmicrocracking(asinESC)butin this case the causality is reversed