1. Some team concern representative came very late
2. Some team concern representative is not come
3. I had waited for a long time around 50 min, then I decided to cancel meeting because we missing one team concern from production is not come
So we still pending for some ref. which cannot complete for do review and preparation for start 1st production.
1. 2 ref. which sample history lost > Donald: please contact to K.Paew/K.Karn try to find if finally still not found please make a new one and please define due date
2. 4 ref. which Golden Sample lost > We will done for make a new one substitute on this week
3. 31 ref. which we had done for review NPI > Donald: please send the jig request to K.Sa, and K.Sa please fill the Jig name substitute to “Need”
4. 4 ref. as item 2 will group in the similar part for copy the same NPI Control Plan
5. 20 ref. which will not review NPI I will call all of you to do meeting together soon (within next week)