Binary coded strings are mostly used to
code the variable string structures. The length of
the string code is determined the accuracy of the
solution desired. The strings can be decoded to
an X value that used to find the objective function
value ƒ(χ). General form of the optimization by
GAs defined as:
Minimize ƒ(χ)
Variable bound Xmin ≥ X ≥ Xmax
GAs starting from created a population of
string structures by randomly. Thereafter, each
string (Population) is evaluated. The population is
then operated by three main steps as reproduction,
crossover, and mutation to find a better solution.
The first operation applied to populations
is reproduction. The idea of reproduction is that
selects good strings in a population and forms a
matting pool. Next step is crossover that applied to
the string of the matting pool. Two strings are pickup
from the matting pool (Parent) at random and some
portion of this strings are exchanged between the
strings (Offspring). Figure 4 shows the concepts
of crossover operation in cases of one-point and
two-point crossover.