Hair et al. (1998) cautions that researchers should not factor analyze a sample of fewer
than 50 observations. We conducted a survey of 17 banks including both pure Islamic
and conventional banks offering Islamic services for their customers. A total of
60 questionnaires were sent out to the respondents after obtaining their consent, out of
which 50 were returned. The lower number of returned questionnaires is due to the fact
that there are only a few persons in the organizations who are able to answer for the
questions related to the policies of corporate governance, so forcing more people to fill
the questionnaires would throw doubt on the genuineness and authenticity of the results.
The respondents have been informed of the purpose of the research and that their
responseswould be treatedwith secrecy and kept completely confidential.They have been
also informed that no individual identifiable information would be disclosed or published,
and that all results would be presented as aggregate summary data. The data from the
returned questionnaires were entered into SPSS 17 for analysis in batches as the survey
responses accumulated.