Data collection.
All children enrolled were followed prospectively from March to August 2009. At baseline, a 30-minute Knowledge Practices and Coverage (KPC) survey on socio-demographic variables was administered to each household's primary caregiver. In a subset of 306 randomly selected households a more intensive 60-minute KPC survey was administered, which included questions on primary caregiver on knowledge cause and prevention of diarrheal diseases in children.
We looked at 24 risk factors for childhood diarrhea previously identified in the literature (Tables 1–3).4–21,41 These risk factors were on water, sanitation, hygiene, and knowledge of the causes of childhood diarrheal disease and prevention. All of these variables were obtained from the baseline KPC survey administered to the primary caregiver in each household. The knowledge questions were all asked as open-ended questions with multiple responses allowed. These open-ended responses were then coded and put into categories. All other questions had fixed multiple choice responses