1. Introduction
Azadirachta indica A. Juss (A. indica) is a kind of tree belonging
to Meliaceae family. It comes from Pakistan, India and Thailand[1].
Its English name is neem. Locally it is called “alshurisha”. Neem
tree grows very fast. The branches are wide and spreading. Leaves
are mixed of both young and mature. The mature leaves are bright
green and the young leaves are reddish to purplish color. Typical
leaves consist of three main parts: leaf base, petiole and lamina.
Leaves are attached to the stem by their leaf bases and may bear two
lateral small leaves like structures called stipules[2].
Neem is used as traditional medicine in Indian culture for the
treatment of different aliments. Neem is one of the main sources
of many therapeutic agents[3]. In Thai traditional medicine system,