Sweet potato nutrition facts
Sweet potato is grown throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions. The crop just requires sufficient water and little attention for their successful cultivation. The tuberous root features oblong/elongated shape with tapering ends and has smooth outer skin whose color ranges from red, purple, brown, and white, depending up on the variety.
Sweet potatoes should not be confused with yams, another starchy root commonly grown in Western Africa. Yams are indeed larger in size that can grow up to 120 pounds in weight and 2 meters in length. Yams are the tropical crops and never grow where the temperature dips below 68 degrees F. Important differentiating features that distinguish sweet potatoes from yams are:
Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are dicotyledonous, relatively smaller and possess very thin peel.
Whereas, yams are monocotyledons, larger, features thick, rough, dark brown to pink skin depending up on the cultivar type.