Folk medicines play an important role in rural sectors of India. Adjacent of the mangrove forest area of Sundarban
is known as a rural sector. In long time, the traditional resource collectors in this area used different types of mangrove tree
for their primary health disease. During the resource collection period they apply folk medicine and folk treatment using
their traditional knowledge. Inside the forest it is the only available resource of any kind of health problems.
The main objectives of the study are to identify their actual traditional knowledge practices on folk medicines and how to
apply it for solving their day to day problems. The current review mainly focuses on traditional use of different mangrove
plants as folk medicines in Sundarban. This paper has discussed the importance of mangrove plants in primary health care
among the traditional resource collectors and chalked some points how to survive it through the sustainable use.
KEYWORDS: Folk Medicine, Traditional Knowledge, Mangrove Plants, Health Hazard, Sundarban