• Adidas is a German multinational company that was accepted by athletes for long time and it is the most popular brand name among athletes, hip-hop fashion and others. They have many products such as sport shoes, clothing, sport equipments and accessories but their famous product is sport shoes. It is very strong, durable and can use for long term. Moreover, it has shockproof system to protect our feet and reduce reflection when we run. Their design is also classic; there are 3 bars at both sides of each shoe and these 3 bars are their brand identity and logo.
• Adidas is in sport apparel and fashion accessories industry and there are many competitors in same industry such as Nike, New Balance and Puma. These competitors are forefront of sports as well. Their famous products are as same as Adidas, sport shoes.
• I think Adidas shoes are good because it can be used for long term and can mix with many fashion styles. Moreover, Adidas is better than others because of quality products.
• Why I like what they do?
I like their product because I’m a kind of person who doesn’t like to change shoes in several times. So, I like durable shoes. I had good chance to using Adidas once when I was in high school for practicing K-pop dance. I’ve practiced almost every day for 2 years. Although, my Adidas shoes are old by practicing K-pop dance but I still used it until my mom took it to bin.