First Review Feedback By Mail Over the summer, Civic Panelists spent time reviewing the first draft list of indicators and recording their comments via the written feedback survey. The process was designed so that panelists could individually review the draft list in an enjoyable way that was paced according to their own schedules and could be completed with out additional meetings. Some people went to the added trouble of attaching extra sheets of typewritten comments to explain their ideas in depth. From the forms received, the Indicators Task Team studied and synthesized the written feedback. In preparation for the next meeting, we divided the Panel into topic areas (according to their interest and knowledge), and distributed a set of revised key indicators in addition to framing comments and discussion questions. Workshop 2: Topic Groups Develop Key Indicators. In late September, the Sustain able Seattle Civic Panel met for the second time to begin work on the nitty gritty details of designing key
indicators of sustainability. We began the workshop with a brief update on the progress since the last workshop, then Civic Panel members divided into the ten topic groups.